Họp lấy ý kiến về dự thảo Nghị định hướng dẫn thực hiện Luật việc làm

Thứ sáu - 18/07/2014 15:20 791 0
Sáng ngày 16/07/2014, tại Trụ sở Bộ, Cục Việc làm đã tổ chức cuộc họp lấy ý kiến góp ý đối với dự thảo Nghị định Quy định về chính sách hỗ trợ tạo việc làm và Quỹ quốc gia về việc làm. Buổi họp do Thứ trưởng Bộ LĐ-TBXH Nguyễn Thanh Hòa chủ trì với sự tham


Toàn Scene session

Draft Nghị the includes 5 chapter, 41 conditions regulations chi tiết implemented some of the terms of discipline Bo Lao dynamic and Law viec lam for Quỹ national to the job done; policy job lam cong; supported by pass Người Lao dynamic follow working in the nuoc ngoai according to contract; supports viec lam cho Thanh Niên; organizations and working services viec lam.

 Thầy mat Ban edit, Bà Nguyễn Thị Hải Vân, Cúc Major Cúc viec lam display the contents base of Draft Nghị the, in which the press powerful some of the contents regulations at Chapter II, chapter III, Chương IV needs to the Đại regular files trung editor comments and contribute comments. Tools can at Chapter II, Quỹ national for viec lam the output of the regulations tools can to the mechanism manage, use the mutual national to the job done; organizations Cho vay Cap make viec lam to 'policy supported DOANH NGHIỆP & problem children làm Suy reduces Kinh Tế; support for Development Foundation services viec lam, systems message Tin thị trường lao dynamic. Chương III - Policy job lam cong regulations for job selected, reported the Project, activities to execute policy job lam cong; the procedure join as well as modes for the people lao dynamic join policy job lam cong. Draft at chapter IV are specified the policy supported by pass Người Lao dynamic follow working in the nuoc ngoai according to contract and supported make viec lam cho Thanh Niên.


At session, multiple comments for that, Chương II is the chapter have contents max, related to the policy xa hoi, quy process Cho vay Cap to 'quy process verification the Cap ... Do vạy, should ra Soát left the contents related to Chapter of this and xem XET that should be input Nghị format or not. Some comments suggested to be xem XET left the regulations for quy process management Quỹ national for viec lam, should make known vai tro of each Bo, vực, organizations chiu trach nhiem according to each cấp Project, programs to avoid state give Chong cross, lãng fee and Phan Tấn sources effect Quỹ.


Its own for Chương regulations for policy job lam cong, the Đại regular đồng Ý this is the new policy. The regulations output equally well chi tiết. However, Ban edit must xem XET and Ra Soát the text associated such as Law Đậu Thầu as well as to be referenced kinh experimental Quốc Tế ensure contents give you can be executed ngay.

 Ra ngoai, some of the Đại regular, but still đảng Cộng hòa Ý for words ngữ, xây dựng văn bản; suggested GOP some of the regulations associated on in the same chapter; known to do and tools Hòn contents at some of the regulations for support for DOANH NGHIỆP & problem children làm Suy thoai kinh te, in which is given to be the terms, level are supported tools may cho per cases is the main tuner book.

(Theo www.molisa.gov.vn)




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